Middle Class, Middle-Wit: How Britain Became Mid
“We must go stellar, but only when the moment is right.”
Tomorrow is Now
“But allow me to post one final idea for consideration:
there is a solution.”
Taxation as a Measure of Trust
“Only an ethnonationalist perspective can truly serve the economic interests of our people.”
The Selling of Sense, or How Corporate Capitalism Rewards Low IQ Behaviour
“At present, we cannot afford to preserve anything that does not have a long-term benefit to our nation, and that includes the inherited luxuries of the landed gentry as well as the many descendants of various settler-migrant populations.”
Revolution: How the English Civil War Influenced Our Modern Political Traditions
"When King James I ascended the thrones that led to Britain becoming a nation in its own right he created a raw new psyche, shaped in its infancy by imperialism and revolution, demanding that any newcomer to the ring must honour this ideological heritage without becoming an ineffectual continuation of a system that has long ceased to work for our people."
Mass Appeal: The Populist Art of Exploiting Democracy
“The race is long, and it’s important to pace oneself so that the effort can be expended where and when it will be most effective.”
Reflections on the Purpose of Government
“Everything about the nation-state starts with the people, and so without the people both cease to exist in a meaningful sense, a country devolving back to being just a piece of land.”
Democratic Politics is Dying - and It Deserves To
“Democratic politics has lost its vitality because its energy source - the people - have understandably given up on it.”
The Economic Rebirth of a Nation
“The native peoples of these Isles do not have to live this way, buried by the never-ending burden of holding up foreign grifters and greedy profiteers.”
A New Perspective on Mental Illness
“Paradoxically, it is only if something truly was wrong with them that they wouldn’t be affected by malevolent intrusions in their life.”
The Personal is Political: Individual Choice & its Collective Outcomes
“But over time you develop an identity of being enlightened, superior in your being, and this is where you truly begin to experience the glory of honouring yourself, your ancestors, your descendants, and all that you have and will create together.”
The Most Religious Experience of All is Human
“Then I walked out through the heavy doors into the sunlight, and the world outside somehow felt less real than before I went in.”